Courses for Beauty Therapists
Infection control systems are very important in the beauty industry to protect the client and worker from potentially harmful pathogens that could be transferred during treatments. This course covers the basics of what the risks are and how to reduce the risk of contamination through direct and indirect methods. Anyone can take this course, whether you work alone or as part of a large salon.
his course is designed for people involved in beauty therapy who require first aid training in the line of their work come across medical problems that require attention. In this course, we cover the types of problems that you could face meeting compliance needs. All our first aid coures fully meet the latest UK and European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2015 as per the HSE requirements.
Data Protection training gives learners an insight into the regulations that cover the storage and security of data in the workplace. Keeping data safe is a legal requirement and the course covers these requirements to ensure that staff understand why and how we comply with the rules. The course covers the eight data protection principles as well as other relevant data protection subjects allowing compliance for companies and employees.