Online Dog and Pet Care Course
This course is aimed at anyone who requires a course in first aid for dogs. It is ideal for dog owners or dog professionals. Understanding basic first aid for your dog will give you the skills to assist them and prevent them from getting worse before your vet gives professional help. The certificate is valid for three years.
This course is ideal for pet owners or pet professionals. It covers the
main first aid subjects for Dogs and Cats but this information is also
suitable for most other animals. Understanding basic first aid for your
pet will give you the skills to assist them and prevent them from
getting worse before professional help is given by your vet
This course is approved by NASDU for the requirement of pet
first aid in their standards. First aid is important to know for your
security dog not only to comply with associations and local authorities
but also for animal welfare and to help a dog in need. The nature of
working with dogs will pose a risk that they may be harmed in the course
of their work or transport.